Monday, August 15, 2016

Why "Dahon ng Sili" Is Important To Your Health?

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dahon ng sili
Capsicum fruits are referred to by several names such as chili pepper, sweet pepper and green or red pepper. The larger fruits which are also milder are known as bell peppers in some places. Capsicum is also known as paprika in some areas. Capsicum is known to be beneficial in alleviating and preventing many illnesses. It contains beta carotene, vitamin A and vitamin C. It is also low in fat and calories and hence does not increase the levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Capsicum benefits are many and hence it must form a vital part of a balanced and healthy diet. Here is some more information on the health benefits of capsicum. 

Capsicum Health Benefits: 
  • Capsicum is great for metabolism. The nutrients in these tangy vegetables lower triglycerides in the fat deposits in blood corpuscles. This not only burns extra calories, but also energizes the metabolism. 
  • A rich source of vitamin A and C, capsicum also has antioxidant properties. These antioxidants combat the free radicals in the body and treat cardiac diseases, cataract, bronchial asthma and osteoarthritis. The vegetable prevents the damage that can be rendered on the body by free radicals, namely, cellular damage and damage to blood vessels and nerves. 
  • The capsaicin compound in capsicum can block the transmission of pain to the spinal cord from the skin. Thus, including capsicum in meals is good for those undergoing post-operative amputation trauma and herpes. 
  • The same compound, capsaicin is believed to prevent cancer. This compound prevents carcinogens from mixing with the DNA. Studies and research also shows that capsicum has cancer-preventing properties. 
  • Capsicum has blood clotting properties. Vitamin C in capsicum can melt away the blood clots. 
  • Capsaicin in capsicum can combat food-borne bacteria from affecting the body. 
  • Capsicum is also used to make a kind of cream, which is used to treat arthritis and shingles. 
  • Capsicum is also said to aid digestion by increasing stomach secretions. It is also known for its laxative qualities. 
  • Capsicum is also used to treat chronic rhinitis. 
  • Low in fat, cholesterol and calories, capsicum is so much more than just a flavoring agent. 
  • Capsicum extract and capsicum seeds are used for Oleoresin Capsicum or capsicum oleoresin spray. It is a pepper spray with a lachrymatory agent that can irritate the eyes and can cause temporary blindness. This spray is used by the police for mob control and by women as a personal self-defense tool. 
Capsicum For Cancer 

All colored capsicums are rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients. These are very helpful in preventing cancers of the pancreas, cervix, prostrate and bladder. Studies have shown that capsicum helps to halt the spread of pancreatic cancer. The capsaicin in capsicum also helps to prevent leukemia and could be useful for slowing down or preventing the growth of other cancers as well. The compound capsaicin prevents carcinogens from mixing with the DNA. Research and studies have proved that this property of capsaicin could have several health benefits. Capsaicin is able to cut off the oxygen supply to cancerous cells and tumors and this property is currently being researched with a view to developing less invasive cancer treatment methods. 

Capsicum Health 

There are several healthy benefits that one can get by eating capsicum. These benefits from capsicum include:
  • The vegetable is known to have a laxative effect and therefore helps those who suffer with constipation. 
  • Diabetics also benefit from eating capsicum as it is believed to be beneficial in treating the disease. 
  • The anti septic properties in capsicum make is effective in treating food poisoning. If taken with a great deal of probiotics, it can help to eliminate yeast and fungal infection problems like athlete’s foot, ringworm, shingles and so on. 
  • Capsicum is good for the optical system as well. The high content of Vitamin C and beta carotene in this vegetable helps to prevent eye problems like cataracts, macular degeneration, and astigmatism. 
  • Capsicum also helps to improve circulation due to its stimulating properties. 
  • Capsicum can also strengthen the body’s immune system. It is rich in Vitamin C and this vitamin stimulates the white cells to fight infection. 
  • It is also known for various anti inflammatory properties. 
  • Capsicum is also useful in preventing respiratory problems like lung infections, asthma, and emphysema, wheezing and so. This is due to the Vitamin C and flavonoids present in it. 
  • Capsicum also helps in repairing the worn out tissues of the intestine and stomach. It helps in the absorption of nutrients and elimination of wastes as well. 
Capsicum is an important food which has numerous health benefits. However some people may experience some adverse capsicum side effects. Those are who are not used to eating capsicum may experience discomfort from oral or topical exposure to capsicum. In some cases, capsaicin may aggravate the symptoms of dyspepsia and gastroenteritis. Oleoresin is an extract of capsicum which is commonly used in pepper sprays. The oleoresin in capsicum can cause side effects such as burning, redness and inflammation. Inhalation of oleoresin can also lead to burning of the nose, throat and mouth, coughing and gagging. These side effects are temporary and disappear in a short amount of time.

Now that you know the health benefits of dahon ng sili, will you include this vegetable in your meal plan? Yes? But having insufficient time to prepare it?

No worries! First Vita Plus Natural Health Drink is a vitamin in a drink with 5 power herbs. One of the most powerful herb ingredient of First Vita Plus is dahon ng sili. Drink First Vita Plus natural health drink today and enjoy the delicious juice while getting the health benefits of dahon ng sili.
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